what do you usually do when you are free at home? watching tv or sleeping? i love to watching tv at home, especially at a rainny day, it’s a very comfortable feeling. but as for zentai wearers, i think they will wear zentai costumes at home for fun. this girl in the picture, she is wearing a skin colored lycra zentai suit inside and a dress outside. she is lying on the sofa, it seems that she is very enjoying her zentai time at home.
indeed, although there are many zentai wearers in our daily life, but not all of them like to wear zentai in the public, so these zentai wearers only wear zentai at home. as long as they have the chance to relax at home, they will choose to wear their zentai suits. for them, when they are in zentai suit, they will feel comfortable and peaceful. and at the same time, they don't need to worry that other people won't like them. so, they always just wear zentai at home.